Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: F. Garin, Distributed Algorithms and Network Systems, 13.5h, M2, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: H. Fourati, Informatique Industrielle, 105h, L1, IUT 1 (GEII), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France;

  • Licence: H. Fourati, Réseaux locaux industriels, 30h, L2, IUT1 (GEII), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: H. Fourati, Automatique, 38h, L3, UFR physique, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: H. Fourati, Automatique échantillonnée, 15h, L2, IUT 1 (GEII), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: H. Fourati, Automatique complément, 12h, L2, IUT 1 (GEII), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: H. Fourati, Mathématiques, 18h, L2, IUT1 (GEII1), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: A. Kibangou, Automatique, 52h, L2, IUT1(GEII1), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: A. Kibangou, Mathématiques, 33h, L2, IUT1 (GEII1), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: A. Kibangou, Mathématiques, 44h, L1, IUT1 (GEII1), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: A.Kibangou, Automatique, 16h, L3, IUT1 (GEII1), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.


  • PhD: Pietro Grandinetti, Control of large-scale traffic networks, Sept. 2017, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and F. Garin.

  • PhD: Thibaud Michel, Mobile Augmented Reality Applications for Smart Cities, Nov. 2017, co-advised by N. Layaïda, H. Fourati and P. Geneves.

  • PhD in progress: Andrés Alberto Ladino Lopez, Robust estimation and prediction in large scale traffic networks, from Oct. 2014, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit, A. Kibangou and H. Fourati.

  • PhD in progress: Sebing Gracy, Cyber-physical systems: a control-theoretic approach to privacy and security, from Oct. 2015, co-advised by A. Kibangou and F. Garin.

  • PhD in progress: Stéphane Durand, Coupling distributed control and game theory: application to self-optimizing systems, from Oct. 2015, co-advised by B. Gaujal and F. Garin.

  • PhD in progress: Stéphane Mollier, Aggregated Scale-Free Models for 2-D Large-scale Traffic Systems, from Oct. 2016, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit, M. L. Delle Monache and B. Seibold.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Martin, On-line partitioning algorithms for evolutionary scale-free networks, from Dec. 2016, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and P. Frasca.

  • PhD in progress: Martin Rodriguez-Vega, Traffic density, traveling time and vehicle emission estimation in large - scale traffic networks, from Oct. 2017, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and H. Fourati.

  • PhD in progress: Muhammad Umar B Niazi, State-state estimation design and optimal sensor placement algorithms for large-scale evolutionary dynamical networks, from Dec. 2017, co-advised by C. Canudas de Wit and A. Kibangou.


  • P. Frasca was committee member of the PhD defence of Florian Dietrich. Analyse et controle de systemes de dynamiques d’opinions. CRAN, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France. Ph.D. advisors: Marc Jungers and Samuel Martin, November 22, 2017

  • H. Fourati was committee member of the PhD defense of Alexis Nez, Univ. Poitiers, July 2017

  • F. Garin was member of the recruiting committee, held in March-May 2017, for two Researcher (`CR2') positions at Inria Grenoble-Rhône Alpes.

  • F. Garin was Member of the recruiting committee, held in April-May 2017, for an Associate Professor position (`poste de Maître de Conférences, section 61') at Univ. Grenoble Alpes and the Automatic Control Departement of GIPSA-lab.

  • F. Garin was opponent for the licentiate thesis of Riccardo Lucchese, LuleåUniversity of Technology, Luleå, Sweden, May 2017.

  • P. Frasca was member of the recruiting committee, held in March-May 2017, for two Researcher (`CR2') positions at Inria Saclay.